Je viens de remettre à jour mon site. Vous y trouverez des planches et making of de ma nouvelle bd + des couvertures (dont Ellana 3). Bondissez voir ça sur le!
2 commentaires:
a dit…
Bonjour monsieur Thouard,
Forgive me for writing in English, my French isn’t all too well. I’m a student living in Gent, Belgium and I’m a great fan of your EdgarAllenPoe-editings, because the stories are very intriguing and the drawings are special and beautiful. Last week the second story was released in Dutch language. I’ve noticed you sign your books regularly. Unfortunately, I’m not able to get a signed comic book because I live in Belgium. I have found your e-mail address on your website. I wanted to ask if you would be so kind to send me a dedicated drawing by your hand, a beautiful drawing of William Wilson wearing his vintage coat. It would do me a great pleasure. Of course I’m willing to repay the postage. Thank you for your time and effort. Bien amicalement,
Dear Thomas, Let's send me your comic with a big letter and stamps (to send it back to Belgium). I'll sign your book with a W.Wilson sketch and send it back to you to Belgium. Bien amicalement JL
je suis auteur-illustrateur.
Diplômé de la Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin à Strasbourg (HEAR), et licencié de la faculté d’Arts Plastiques de Strasbourg, je travaille pour l'édition et la communication.
J'ai publié plusieurs ouvrages en France, Angleterre, Turquie et Hong-Kong. J'ai notamment collaboré avec Pierre Bottero pour illustrer "La Quête d'Ewilan", "Les mondes d'Ewilan", "Le Pacte des Marchombres", et "Isayama".
Chez Casterman J'ai dessiné la trilogie sur les "Histoires extraordinaires d'Edgar Poe".
J'ai dessiné la bande-dessinée "La Somnambule", polar américain pour la collection Casterman/Rivages/Noir
En 2019 j'ai écrit et illustré un album sur les Ducs de Bourgogne paru aux édtions Faton.
En 2022 je publie sur un nouveau roman graphique de type polar, intitulé « Le dossier Thanatos ». Cet album traite du spiritisme autour de figures féminines fortes dans l'Ecosse victorienne. Il est publié aux éditions Robinson-Hachette
J'enseigne également la narration dessinée, le storyboard, dans différentes écoles d'art (dont l'ESADD à Dijon).
J'organise des ateliers BD hebdomadaires.
2 commentaires:
Bonjour monsieur Thouard,
Forgive me for writing in English, my French isn’t all too well.
I’m a student living in Gent, Belgium and I’m a great fan of your EdgarAllenPoe-editings, because the stories are very intriguing and the drawings are special and beautiful. Last week the second story was released in Dutch language. I’ve noticed you sign your books regularly. Unfortunately, I’m not able to get a signed comic book because I live in Belgium. I have found your e-mail address on your website. I wanted to ask if you would be so kind to send me a dedicated drawing by your hand, a beautiful drawing of William Wilson wearing his vintage coat. It would do me a great pleasure. Of course I’m willing to repay the postage. Thank you for your time and effort. Bien amicalement,
Thomas Baele
Dear Thomas,
Let's send me your comic with a big letter and stamps (to send it back to Belgium). I'll sign your book with a W.Wilson sketch and send it back to you to Belgium.
Bien amicalement
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